“continually devoted to the apostles teaching…” (Acts 2:42)

Christian Education at Trinity
One of the hallmarks of the Reformation and Martin Luther, in particular, was the devotion to teaching. Even Jesus in His great commission at the end of the Gospel of Matthew said,
“Go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you…” (Matthew 28:19, 20a).
Our teachings are founded on scripture. This goes back to one of the three “solas” of Lutheran tradition: sola Scriptura, which means that Scripture is the only foundation of faith.
Trinity offers a variety of opportunities for faith education for both youth and adults. These include catechesis classes, Bible studies, Sunday School, Preschool and Afterschool Programs, as well as a radio broadcast.

Sunday Bible Study: Two adult Bible studies are held Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM. One is taught by Pastor Foote, along with lay leaders, the other is taught by the elders.
Home Bible Study: There usually are several opportunites to join with others to study varied biblical topics. The groups usually meet in members homes and are led by lay leaders.
College Groups: Cornell and Ithaca College students gather for fellowship, food and Bible study, on Saturday nights. If you are interested in joining with other students, please call the church for times and locations: 607-273-9017. Also, follow the group on Facebook.
Adult Catechesis
An introduction to the Christian Faith
Trinity Lutheran Church uses the God Connects video series from Lutheran Hour Ministries. This is a 12 session class combining videos, Bible study, and class discussion. A new session is usually held twice a year. Please call the church for more information.
Youth Confirmation
Confirmation class is designed for youth between the ages of 12 and 16. This in-depth exploration of the Christian faith is taught by the Pastor Foote and other key lay leaders. The class meets on Sunday mornings at 9 am. There are also additional field trips, family gatherings, and special learning events.

One Room Sunday Schoolhouse!
Sunday School meets every Sunday from 9 – 10:15 am. We welcome children ages 3 to 12 to join us for music, snacks, crafts, and a Bible lesson.

Encouraging news
Trinity has operated its preschool for over 35 years. Due to many issues the program closed permanently at the end of the 2022-2023 school year.
The Afterschool program at Trinity is licensed by New York State and serves school-age children from kindergarten through seventh grade. Busing to the program is provided by the Ithaca City School District. The Afterschool program runs from 2:15 to 5:30 PM. Children work on homework, the relaxed through formal and informal play, receive a snack, and have Chapel about once a week.
For more information see Afterschool